Richard J. Roth, Jr., FCAS, FCA

Mr. Roth was the Chief Property and Casualty Actuary for the Department of Insurance, State of California. He held the position of Assistant Commissioner, an appointed position reporting directly to the Insurance Commissioner. He is now associated with the Burkhalter Group.
The Department of Insurance licenses and regulates all insurance companies and agents that do business in the State of California. Mr. Roth specializes in the financial examination of insurance companies, reinsurance, workers compensation, homeowners, automobile, and professional liability insurance. He currently advises on the formation and licensing of new insurance companies, and other regulatory issues with state insurance departments.
Mr. Roth was very active in the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC), representing California. This is the official national association of state insurance commissioners, which coordinates the regulation of insurance in the United States. Mr. Roth was the Chairman of the Casualty Actuarial (Technical) Task Force at the NAIC, which is the permanent committee at the NAIC overseeing casualty actuarial issues.
During those years:
He was instrumental in developing the Schedule P in the Annual Statement for Property/Casualty companies. Schedule P is the actuarial schedule, which enables insurance examiners to evaluate the loss and expense reserves of an insurer and is used as an important tool for monitoring the solvency of insurance companies. It is now used extensively by national rating agencies of insurance companies and stock market investment houses on Wall Street.
He also contributed to the development of the current Schedule F, which reports in detail the insurer's reinsurance transactions over the past year, ceded and assumed.
He was also instrumental in developing the Actuarial Opinion requirement, in which most insurers must have an appointed actuary opine on the reasonableness of the loss and expense reserves each year.
Mr. Roth served on the Board of Directors of the Casualty Actuarial Society twice. This is an elected position by the members of the Casualty Actuarial Society. He has represented the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Conference of Consulting Actuaries to meetings of the International Actuarial Association, for which he attends two meetings outside of the United States each year.
The people of California are exposed to a wide range of natural disasters, especially flood, fire, drought, earthquake, and landslide. Mr. Roth has been active in the study of natural hazard insurance. At the California Insurance Department, he issued reports on insured damage statistics from earthquakes.
His consulting work focuses on issuing opinions on loss reserves, rate making, expert testimony, enterprise risk management, and relations with regulators.
Mr. Roth has undergraduate and graduate degrees in mathematics, statistics and economics from Stanford.
Casualty Actuarial Society (Fellow)
Conference of Consulting Actuaries (Fellow)
International Association of Consulting Actuaries
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute
American Risk & Insurance Association
In 2006, Mr. Roth was the recipient of the Matthew Rodermund Service Award by the Board of Directors of the Casualty Actuarial Society for significant volunteer contributions to the actuarial profession over the course of his career. The award is presented once a year.
1. Steinbrugge, Karl V. and Roth, Jr., Richard J., Earthquake Losses to Single-Family Dwellings: California Experience, U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1939-A, 1990; and Dwelling and Mobile Home Monetary Losses Due to the 1989 Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake with an Emphasis on Loss Estimation, U. S. Geological Survey Bulletin 1939-B, 1994. This is an analysis of insured earthquake losses from the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake.
2. Roth, Jr., Richard J., California Earthquake Zoning and Probable Maximum Loss Evaluation Program, was published every two years until 2000 by the California Insurance Department, 300 South Spring Street, Los Angeles, California 90013. This is an analysis of the PML questionnaires returned by insurance companies in California, and a commentary on the latest developments in the California earthquake insurance market.
3. Roth, Jr., Richard J., Earthquake Basics - Insurance (a monograph), 1997, Earthquake Engineering Research Institute, Oakland, California. This is an introduction to the principles of insurance to scientists and engineers.
4. "Analysis of Surplus and Rate of Return Without Using Leverage Ratios," Insurer Financial Solvency, Casualty Actuarial Society Discussion Paper Program, 1992, Volume I, pp. 439-464. This paper is included in the syllabus of required reading in the actuarial examinations for all casualty actuarial students.
5. "Availability and Affordability of Insurance under Climate Change: A Growing Challenge for the United States," published in the Journal of Insurance Regulation's Winter 2006 issue.
6. "Insurance, Climate Change, and Landslide Damage Mitigation: Thinking Outside of the Shear Box," paper presented at the 1st North American Landslide Conference, Vail, Colorado, June 3-9, 2007. Mr. Roth has given presentations on the potential for landslide insurance in China, Spain, New Zealand and future locations at earthquake and geotechnical conferences, co-authored with geophysicists.
Contact Mr. Roth
8821 Baywood Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92646
(714) 964-7814 - telephone
(714) 964-2896 - facsimile